Work in progress
- Ebert, Cornelia (submitted):
Wide scope indefinites: Dead relatives,
in: L. Matthewson, C. Meier, H. Rullmann, and T.E. Zimmermann (eds.), The Semantics Companion.

- Ebert, Cornelia (in progress):
The semantic contribution of co-speech gestures
based on...
- Ebert, Cornelia (2014): The non-at-issue status of speech-accompanying gestures, invited talk, Linguistik Kolloquium, University of Bielefeld, May 2014.
- Ebert, Cornelia (2014): The non-at-issue contributions of gestures and speculations about their origin, Workshop Demonstration and Demonstratives, University of Stuttgart, April 2014.
- Ebert, Cornelia & Christian Ebert (2013): Gestures, Demonstratives, and Multidimensional Meanings, invited talk, Oberseminar Neuere Literatur zu Syntax und Semantik, University of Tübingen, December 2013.
- Ebert, Cornelia (2013): Gestures, Demonstratives, and Multidimensional Meanings, invited talk, LAK, University of Cologne, November 2013.
- Ebert, Cornelia (2013): Speech-accompanying Gestures and Multidimensional Meanings, invited talk, ZAS, Berlin, September 2013.
- Ebert, Cornelia (2013): Gesture in Formal Semantics & Pragmatics, invited talk, SFB-Kolloquium, University of Bielefeld, July 2013.
- Ebert, Cornelia (2012): Speech-accompanying gestures and their information-structural contribution, invited talk, LAK, University of Cologne, June 2012.
- Ebert, Cornelia (2013): Gesture in Formal Semantics & Pragmatics, invited talk, Englisches Seminar, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, Oktober 2010.
- Ebert, Cornelia (2008): Sprachbegleitende ikonische Gesten als konventionelle Implikaturen ('Speech accompanying iconic gestures and information structure'), invited talk, RWTH Aachen, November 2008.
- Ebert, Cornelia & Christian Ebert (in progress):
The role of gestures for demonstrative interpretation and the attributive/referential distinction
based on...
- Ebert, Cornelia (2016): The semantic behaviour of co-speech gestures and their role in demonstrative reference, invited talk, Institut Jean-Nicod, Département d'Études Cognitives Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, December 2016.
- Ebert, Cornelia (2016): Co-speech gestures, demonstratives, and the attributive/referential distinction, invited talk, IInstitut für Linguistik, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, November 2016.
- Ebert, Christian & Cornelia Ebert (2014): Gestures, demonstratives, and the attributive/referential distinction, Semantics and Philosophy in Europe 7, ZAS, Berlin, June 2014.

- Ebert, Cornelia (2014): The interplay of speech-accompanying gestures with demonstratives and their significance for the attributive/referential distinction, invited talk, Abteilungskolloquium der germanistischen Linguistik, University of Tübingen.
- Ebert, Cornelia (in progress):
Temporal alignment: semantic contributions of different types of post-speech gestures
based on...
- Ebert, Cornelia: Temporal sequence and information status – with special attention on the interplay of gesture and speech, Leibniz-ZAS, Berlin, November 2017.
- Ebert, Cornelia: Handling information from different dimensions (with special attention on gesture vs. speech), Institut für Linguistik, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, October 2017.

- Ebert, Cornelia: Co-speech vs. post-speech gestures, Language and cognition workshop in memory of Peter Bosch, Cognitive Science Department, University of Osnabrück, February 2017.
- Ebert, Cornelia (in progress):
The non-issue contribution of co-speech gestures: a rating study
based on...
- Ebert, Cornelia & Qingfeng Schwaderer (2015): Gestures, appositives and truth value judgements -- An experimental series, Workshop Perspectives in Gesture & Sign Language Research, University of Stuttgart, September 2015.
- Ebert, Cornelia (2014): The semantic impact of co-speech gestures, Workshop Embodied meaning goes public -- gestures, signs, and other visible linguistic effects of simulation processes, University of Stuttgart, December 2014.

- Ebert, Cornelia, Susanne Fuchs & Manfred Krifka (in progress):
Co- vs. post-speech gestures: a rating study
based on...
- Ebert, Cornelia: Temporal sequence and the alignment of gesture and speech, Institut Jean-Nicod, Département d'Études Cognitives Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, December 2017.

- Ebert, Cornelia (2009):
Quantificational Topics – A Scopal Treatment of Exceptional Wide Scope Phenomena,
in Studies in Linguistics & Philosophy, Springer, Springer. – revised version of my PhD thesis (2006), University of Potsdam.
(about the book)
- Ebert, Cornelia (2002):
The Double Scope of Quantifier Phrases,
Linguistics in Potsdam, Vol. 17, Potsdam. – revised version of my diploma thesis (2001), University of Potsdam.
(about the book)
Edited Volumes
- Ebert, Cornelia & Stefan Hinterwimmer (eds.) (2013):
Different kinds of specificity across languages,
Studies in Linguistics & Philosophy, Springer.
(about the volume)
- Ebert, Christian & Cornelia Endriss (eds.) (2006):
Proceedings of the Sinn & Bedeutung 10
ZAS Paper in Linguistics Nr. 44, ZAS Berlin.

- Carstensen, Kai-Uwe / Ebert, Christian / Endriss, Cornelia / Jekat, Susanne / Klabunde, Ralf /
Langer, Hagen (eds.) (2001):
Computerlinguistik und Sprachtechnologie - Eine Einführung
Spektrum Verlag, Heidelberg. Oktober 2001, Heidelberg.
(about the book)
- the 2nd, extended edition appeared 2004 with Elsevier
- the 3rd, extended edition appeared 2010 with Spektrum Akademischer Verlag (as part of Springer)
Journal Papers
- Fuchs, Susanne, Egor Savin, Stefanie Solt, Manfred Krifka & Cornelia Ebert (accepted, in revision):
Antonym adjective pairs and prosodic iconicity: Evidence from letter replications in an English blogger corpus.
, to appear in Linguistics Vanguard.
- Ebert, Cornelia (to appear vol. 2, 2018):
A comparison of sign language with speech plus gesture,
commentary on Philippe Schlenker's target article "Visible Meaning: Sign Language and the Foundations of Semantics" to Theoretical Linguistics.

- Ebert, Christian, Cornelia Ebert & Stefan Hinterwimmer (2014):
A Unified Analysis of Conditionals as Topics
Linguistics and Philosophy 37(5), 353-408.
- Cieschinger, Maria & Cornelia Ebert (2011):
Doubling Definite Determiners in German,
Linguistische Berichte 226: S. 232-245.
- Ebert, Cornelia & Stefan Hinterwimmer (2010):
Quantificational Variability Effects with Plural Definites: Quantification over Individuals or Situations?
Journal of Semantics 327(2): S. 139-176.
- Umbach, Carla & Cornelia Ebert (2009):
German Demonstrative so – Intensifying and Hedging Effects,
Sprache und Datenverarbeitung 33.
- Endriss, Cornelia & Stefan Hinterwimmer (2008):
Direct and Indirect Aboutness Topics,
Acta Linguistica Hungarica 55: 3-4, S. 297-307.
- Ebert, Christian, Cornelia Endriss & Hans-Martin Gärtner (2007):
An Information Structural Account of German Integrated Verb Second Clauses
Research on Language and Computation 5(4), pp. 415-434.
- Endriss, Cornelia & Stefan Hinterwimmer (2006):
The Non-Uniformity of Quantificational Variability Effects: A Comparison of Singular Indefinites, Bare Plurals, and Plural Definites
in: S. Vogeleer (Hrsg.), Bare Plurals, Indefinites, and Weak–Strong Distinction, Belgian Journal of Linguistics 19: S. 93-120.
Papers in Books
- Ebert, Cornelia & Stefan Hinterwimmer (2013):
in: Cornelia Ebert & Stefan Hinterwimmer (eds.) Different Kinds of Specificity Across Languages. Dordrecht,
Springer, p. 1-10.
- Ebert, Christian, Cornelia Ebert & Stefan Hinterwimmer (2013):
The Interpretation of the German Specificity Markers bestimmt and gewiss,
in: Cornelia Ebert & Stefan Hinterwimmer (eds.) Different Kinds of Specificity Across Languages. Dordrecht,
- Ebert, Christian & Cornelia Ebert (2010):
On Squeamishness of the Royal Kind
in: Thomas Hanneforth & Gisbert Fanselow (Hrsg.) Language
and Logos. Festschrift for Peter Staudacher on his 70th Birthday. Studia grammatica 72,
Akademie Verlag, Berlin.
- Ebert, Cornelia & Stefan Hinterwimmer (2010):
The Interpretation of Topical Indefinites as Direct and Indirect Aboutness Topics,
in: C. Féry und M. Zimmermann (eds.), Information Structure – Theoretical, Typological, and Experimental Perspectives, Oxford University Press, pp. 89-114.
- Endriss, Cornelia & Stefan Hinterwimmer (2008):
Tense and Adverbial Quantification,
in: J. Dölling & T. Heyde-Zybatow (eds.), Event Structure in Linguistic Form and Interpretation, series: Language, Context & Cognition, Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, pp. 389-411.
- Endriss, Cornelia & Hans-Martin Gärtner (2005):
Relativische Verbzweitsätze und Definitheit,
in: F.-J. d’Avis (ed.), Deutsche Syntax: Empirie und Theorie. Symposium in Göteborg 13.-15. Mai 2004. Göteborger Germanistische Forschungen 46, Göteborg, pp. 195-220.
- Ebert, Christian & Cornelia Endriss (2001, 2004, 2010):
Mengenlehre und Logik,
in: R. Klabunde et al. (eds.), Computerlinguistik und Sprachtechnologie - Eine Einführung, S. 28-65, Spektrum/Elsevier/Springer.
Conference Papers
- Hinterwimmer, Stefan & Cornelia Ebert (in press):
A Comparison of fei and aber,
in: Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 22, Leibniz-ZAS Berlin/University of Potsdam, September 2017.
- Fuchs, Susanne, Egor Savin, Uwe D. Reichel, Cornelia Ebert & Manfred Krifka (2017):
Letter replication as prosodic amplification in social media,
in: Belz, Malte, Susanne Fuchs, Stefanie Jannedy, Christine Mooshammer, Oxana Rasskazova & Marzena Zygis (eds.),
Proceedings of the conference: Phonetics and phonology in the German-speaking areas, 1-4. Berlin: HU.
- Ebert, Christian, Cornelia Ebert & Stefan Hinterwimmer (2011):
The Semantics and Pragmatics of bestimmt and gewiss
in: Proceedings of NELS 40.
- Ebert, Cornelia, Stefan Evert & Katharina Wilmes (2011):
Focus Marking via Gestures,
in: Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 15, Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken, pp. 193-208.
- Cieschinger, Maria & Cornelia Ebert (2010):
"Mario hat gesagt, der und der hätte das und das gemacht": On a Weird Determiner in German
in: Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 14, , Universität Wien, S. 101-116.
- Ebert, Christian, Cornelia Endriss & Stefan Hinterwimmer (2009):
Embedding Topic-Comment Structures Results in Intermediate Scope Readings
in: Anisa Schardl, Martin Walkow & Muhammad Abdurrahman (eds.) Proceedings of NELS 38, Ottawa, pp. 246-258.
- Ebert, Christian, Cornelia Endriss & Stefan Hinterwimmer (2009):
A Unified Analysis of Indicative and Biscuit Conditionals as Topics
in: T. Friedman and S. Ito (eds.), Proceedings of SALT XVIII, Ithaca, NY: Cornell University, pp. 263-283.
- Ebert, Christian, Cornelia Endriss & Stefan Hinterwimmer (2008):
Topics as Speech Acts - An Analysis of Conditionals
in: Natasha Abner & Jason Bishop (ed.) Proceedings of the 27th WCCFL, UCLA.
- Ebert, Christian, Cornelia Endriss & Stefan Hinterwimmer (2008):
Intermediate Scope Readings as Embedded Speech Acts
in: Atle Grønn (ed.), Proceedings of SuB12, Oslo.
- Ebert, Christian & Cornelia Endriss (2007):
Functional Topics
in: Estela Puig-Waldmüller (ed.), Proceedings of the Sinn und Bedeutung 11, Barcelona: Universitat Pompeu Fabra, pp. 194-208.
- Endriss, Cornelia & Stefan Hinterwimmer (2006):
Topic Interpretation with Quantificational Adverbs and Determiners,
in: Davis, C., A. Deal, Y. Zabbal (eds.), Proceedings of NELS 36, , Amherst: GLSA. pp. 241-252.

- Ebert, Christian, Cornelia Endriss & Hans-Martin Gärtner (2005):
German Integrated Verb Second Clauses, Relative Clauses, and Information Structure
in: Proceedings of the ESSLLI05 Workshop on Empirical Challenges and Analytical Alternatives to Strict Compositionality,
- Endriss, Cornelia & Stefan Hinterwimmer (2005):
Quantificational Variability Effects with Plural Definites,
in: E. Maier, C. Bary & J. Huitink (Hrsg.), Proceedings of the Sinn und Bedeutung IX (9th annual meeting of the Gesellschaft für Semantik),, Nijmegen, pp. 87-101.
- Ebert, Christian & Cornelia Endriss (2004):
Topic Interpretation and Wide Scope Indefinites
in: Keir Moulton & Matthew Wolf (eds.), Proceedings of NELS 34, Amherst: UMass, GLSA, 2004.
- Ebert, Christian & Cornelia Endriss (2004):
Wide Scope Indefinites as Aboutness Topics
in: Proceedings of the 8th annual meeting of the Gesellschaft für Semantik (Sinn und Bedeutung VIII), Frankfurt.
- Endriss, Cornelia, Daniel Glatz & Ralf Klabunde (2001):
Focus Planning for Focus Realization,
in: Proceedings of KogWis01.
- Endriss, Cornelia & Ralf Klabunde (2001):
Planning Word Order Dependent Focus Assignment,
in: Proceedings of the International Conference on Natural Language Generation 2000, Mitzpe Ramon, Israel, pp. 156-162.
- Endriss, Cornelia & Andreas Haida (2001):
The Double Scope of Quantifier Phrases,
in: M. Kim and U. Strauss (eds.), Proceedings of NELS 31, Amherst : GLSA.
Working Papers
- Endriss, Cornelia & Stefan Hinterwimmer (2007):
Direct and Indirect Aboutness Topics,
in: S. Ishihara M. Schmitz & A. Schwarz (eds.), Working Papers of the SFB 632, Interdisciplinary Studies on Information Structure 06, Potsdam: Universitätsverlag Potsdam (revised version appeared in Acta Linguistica Hungarica 55).
- Endriss, Cornelia; Stefan Hinterwimmer & Stavros Skopeteas (2007):
in: S. Dipper; M. Götze & S. Skopeteas (eds.), Information Structure in Cross-Linguistic Corpora: Annotation Guidelines for Phonology, Morphology, Syntax, Semantics and Information Structure, Interdisciplinary Studies on Information Structure (ISIS) 07, Potsdam: Universitätsverlag Potsdam, pp. 135-145.
- Götze, Michael; Thomas Weskott; Cornelia Endriss; Ines Fiedler; Stefan Hinterwimmer; Svetlana Petrova; Anne Schwarz; Stavros Skopeteas & Ruben Stoel (2007):
Information Structure,
in: S. Dipper, M. Götze & S. Skopeteas (eds.), Information Structure in Cross-Linguistic Corpora: Annotation Guidelines for Phonology, Morphology, Syntax, Semantics and Information Structure, Interdisciplinary Studies on Information Structure (ISIS) 07, Potsdam: Universitätsverlag Potsdam, pp. 147-187.
- Endriss, Cornelia & Stefan Hinterwimmer (2006):
Quantificational Variability Effects with Plural Definites: Quantification over Individuals or Situations?,
in: S. Ishihara M. Schmitz & A. Schwarz (eds.), Working Papers of the SFB632, Interdisciplinary Studies on Information Structure 5, Potsdam: Universitätsverlag Potsdam, pp. 1-60.
(A completely revised version of this article appeared as: "Quantificational Variability Effects with Plural Definites: Quantification over Individuals or Situations?" in Journal of Semantics 27(2).)
- Endriss, Cornelia & Stefan Hinterwimmer (2004):
The Influence of Tense in Adverbial Quantification,
in: S. Ishihara M. Schmitz & A. Schwarz (eds.), Working Papers of the SFB632, Interdisciplinary Studies on Information Structure 1, Potsdam: Universitätsverlag Potsdam, pp. 121-151.
(A revised version of this article appeared as: "Tense and Adverbial Quantification", in: Johannes Dölling & Tatjana Heyde-Zybatow (eds.), Event Structure in Linguistic Form and Interpretation, Language, Context & Cognition, Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.)
- Ebert, Cornelia (2010):
Review of `Hans-Christian Schmitz, Accentuation and Interpretation, 2008, Palgrave',
in: Linguistische Berichte 222, pp. 231-245.
list of talks (German)